Surge Analysis of the Firewater System on an FLNG
This PIPENET Transient module Application Bulletin shows its use in performing surge analysis of the firewater system on the FLNG development in Africa. The FLNG facility will be a turret moored double-hull floating vessel, on which gas receiving, processing, liquefaction, and offloading facilities will be mounted together with LNG and condensate storage.
The purpose of this document is to show some of the capabilities of PIPENET Transient module for performing surge analysis of the firewater system on the FLNG. The document also shows how PIPENET Transient module could be used in finding a method of bringing the pressure surge down to an acceptable level.
The firewater system on this FLNG had a number of high points for the purpose of supplying hydrants. The scenario which is being considered is the deluge system start up. It is assumed that the hydrants at the high points may be treated as dead ends. This makes the system susceptible to cavity formation. When cavities collapse the result could be very high pressure surges.